The Coalition has created a petition in response to these irresponsible and offensive images, which we hope you will read and sign.
To ensure the protection and observation of Education rights guaranteed to Indigenous people under the United States Constitution and Civil Rights Act; to provide representation and support to individuals affected by violation(s) of Education rights by Education institutions or Government agencies; and to eradicate racial hatred and/or racial discrimination supported by Education institutions or Government agencies.
Full Mission Statement and Objectives of the Coalition
History of the American Indian Teacher Training Program at the University of Utah
get a hold of Chris Buttars and maybe he can help you guys out on racial discrimination techniques. he does have some white political clout and can do many good things for a cause like yours. indians are a dark ugly red thing, just look at the cleveland indian mascot or the washington redskin emblem. maybe you can finish the job that your forefathers were unable to complete. i personally get sick of this kind of racist, bigamist, hatred of indians. Signed, Navajo Indian who hates his roots!
I am so pissed off!!!!
so not right!!! I'm very pissed off at this gurl!!
so messed up!
whtta freakin idiot
Ignorance and inconsideration are the two great causes of the ruin of mankind.
- John Tillotson
She just made herself look bad!
I am a American Idian, Navajo to be exact, and I am just as angry and upset as most of you are. I don't think these two girls or anyone else has the right to write offensive languages referring the past of a harsh and crude American history. Some of these historical events that have occured such as the Trail of Tears is still troubling to some of our elders. Why make those comments???? I don't think anyone, especially these two girls, should compare what they have written to Sport!! Not only that, they are suppose to be from BYU!!! Have some repect for your school and yourself.
To "Navajo who hates his roots" - dude just shred up your "CIB - Certificate of Indian Blood." That's all you gotta do to let go. Get yourself off the census roll count, check the box "anglo saxon" and your home free! You and Chris Buttars then can become best friends! Then go find a get dermatologist to zap you with a laser to kill your melatonin cells. Skin will be white & no need to worry about dark skin. Make sure you wear SPF 60 & some of that cool UV protective clothing they sell at DICK's sporting goods. You'll be 10 times like to develop skin cancer. Our forefathers did not start anything. We will start it! Make sure your front and center. Wear a sign that says "former Navajo." And we will be there to start the discrimination my delicious APPLE homie.
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